When Kim Hodges’ psychologists suggests she has depression, she immediately recoils from the idea. She is a mother, a wife, an academic – a functional human being! But it is the only diagnosis that explains the days she can barely lift her heavy limbs out of bed, the sick feeling that moves its way across her body and brain, the isolation, alcohol use, the colour that evaporated and left her world grey.
What follows is a five-year journey that involves six lengthy hospital stays, multiple trips to the Emergency Department, innumerable engagements with health professionals, and eventually, the ability for Kim to overcome the denial, shame and stigma she feels about mental illness to begin her road to recovery.
Raw, honest and confronting, join Kim Hodges as she discusses her latest book Girl Over the Edge.
Books will be available for purchase on the day, or bring your copy from home for Kim to sign. To reserve your place, visit Eventbrite, or phone the library.
Bookings required. Phone Corinda Library on 07 3407 7701 to reserve your place.