I have really good news on progress of the new refuge on Hyde Rd, between the dog park and shops near The Village.
Council’s has finally approved two important safety improvements.
Firstly, a staggered zebra crossing and centre refuge, which is a much safer design than just a refuge for pedestrians. As you may know $150,000 has been set aside in the Council Budget to deliver the project this year. Design plans are currently being prepared and I will let the community know when a draft is available for review.
Secondly, Council has also supported a speed reduction along Hyde Rd to 50kms per hour. In combination with the staggered zebra crossing and refuge, this should make it much safer for all local residents to cross the road.
In addition, although it’s unlikely in the short-term, the intersection of Cansdale St and Hyde Rd does remain listed for traffic lights in future. I will continue requesting the traffic lights, including a green walk signal, in my annual local Budget submission to Council.
This represents the culmination of six years of lobbying and pressure by our local community and I am so pleased that our persistence has paid off. Thank you all for speaking up and I look forward to seeing this important local project delivered in coming months.