
Yeronga | Yeronga Community Gardens

Yeronga State High School 159 Villa St, Yeronga, Qld, Australia

Come along and help us grow... All Welcome Yeronga State High School, cnr Oakwood and Taunton Streets, Yeronga. All welcome. Email for further information.


Yeronga | Building a No-Dig Garden

Yeronga State High School 159 Villa St, Yeronga, Qld, Australia

Come to this workshop on Saturday, May 12 from 2:00pm - 4:00pm at the Yeronga Community Gardens, cnr Taunton and Oakwood Streets, Yeronga.   Celebrate International Compost Awareness Week at this interactive workshop. Contribute to making a no-dig garden out of recycled timber and compost from the Community Compost Hub.  Learn some skills to make […]