Below is a list of environmental groups and community gardens in and around Tennyson Ward. You will also find a list of local Scout and Girl Guide groups.
Community Gardens
Graceville/Sherwood Community Garden
79 Waratah Ave, Graceville Q 4075
3379 7998 ~ Facebook
*Working Bees – 1st Saturday of the Month from 3pm until dusk. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sunday of the month from 7am – 9pm
*Bush Tucker Working Bees every Wednesday from 7am – 9am
Yeronga Community Garden
26 Devon St, Yeronga Q 4104
3848 2285 ~ Email ~ Facebook
*Every Wednesday from 9am – 11am
Composting Program
You can now contribute your kitchen scraps to the community garden compost bins at the Yeronga Community Gardens. Brisbane City Council has partnered with community gardens in Brisbane to turn kitchen scraps into compost with seven new compost hubs. Please help combat organic waste sent to landfill in Brisbane by dropping into the centre with your food scraps. You can find out more and register for the program here.
Environmental Groups
Lagonda Park Bushcare Group
0422 277 978 (Greg)
*Works within an urban park at the corner of Lagonda St and Clive St, Annerley.
Caesar’s Place Bushcare Group
0431 293 810 (David)
Benarrawa Bushcare Group
0417 703 442 (Noel)
*Works within Benarrawa Park at Allen St, Corinda.
Francis and Augustus Streets Park Bushcare Group
0434 958 603 (Anne)
*Works in bushland from Francis Outlook to Horace Window Reserve along Brisbane Riverfront
Nosworthy Park Bushcare Group
0408 465 591 (Marie)
*Works within Nosworthy Park, Corinda and along Oxley Creek.
Pennywort Creek Bushcare Group
0414 691 264 (Trevor) ~ Email
*Part of the Oxley Creek Catchment Association network working along the banks of Pennywort Creek.
Faulkner Park Bushcare Group
0427 420 743 (Jane)
*Works within Faulkner Park and the Brisbane River at Graceville.
Friends of Oxley Creek Common
Oxley Creek Common is a large natural wetland environment and an important area of open space within urban Brisbane. We, as Friends of Oxley Creek Common, seek to protect it from unsustainable use and development, and sustain its natural values.
Cliveden Avenue Reserve Bushcare Group
3379 1453 (Carole)
*Working in the reserve and adjacent wetland areas on the banks of Oxley Creek at the end of Cliveden Ave, Oxley.
Oxley Creek Catchment Association
PO Box 217, Sherwood Q 4075
3345 5541 ~ Email ~ Facebook
Oxley Creek Environment Group
The Fort Bushland Reserve Bushcare Group
3379 7293 (John)
*Works in the bushland along Fort Road
Friends of Sherwood Arboretum
Strickland Terrace Parklands Bushcare Group
3379 6021 (Jocelyn)
*Working within the Strickland The Parklands on the banks of Oxley Greek at Sherwood.
Underwater Research Group of Queensland
24 Pulle St, Yeerongpilly Q 4105
Email ~ Facebook
Yeronga Corso Bushcare Group
*Working along the Brisbane River in Yeronga.
Girl Guides & Scout Groups
Pamphlett-Tennyson Sea Scouts
Pamphlett Site – Cnr Nadine St & Graceville Ave, Graceville Q 4075
Tennyson Site – 55 Vivian St, Tennyson Q 4106
0438 045 692 ~ Email ~ Facebook
Sherwood Girl Guides
44 Thallon St, Sherwood Q 4075
3357 1266
Sherwood Scouts
16 Young St, Graceville Q 4075
0404 014 321 ~ Facebook
Yeronga Girl Guides
101 Villa St, Annerley Q 4103
2257 1266 ~ Email ~ Facebook