At this Autumn community lunch we will be celebrating Mabo Day. We invite you to come along and join the conversation on Eddie Mabo and the significance of his contribution in the area of Native Title. Aunty Celia Watego and her family will be bringing along traditional TI food. Bring a friend! Invite your neighbour!! […]
A guided journey through the bush tucker garden. Newly-arrived refugee students will develop an understanding of the cultures who have lived on this land and made Brisbane their home for thousands of years.
This month's community lunch will be celebrating Mabo Day. Cone along and join in the conversation on Eddie Mabo and the significance of his contribution in the area of Native Title. Special guest Aunty Celia Watego will bring some delicious traditional Torres Strait food to share. Bring a friend and a plate to share!
Join the Nature Babes Playgroup and Graceville Community Garden for a working bee and sausage sizzle. All are welcome to come along to help and get involved in their local play group and community garden.
Neighbour Day is Australia’s annual celebration of community, bringing people together. Neighbour Day aims to build better relationships with the people who live around us, especially the elderly and vulnerable. Neighbours are important because good relationships with others can and does change communities. So bring a friend or a neighbour and please also bring a plate or drink to share, if you can
Neighbour Day is Australia’s annual celebration of community, bringing people together. Neighbour Day aims to build better relationships with the people who live around us, especially the elderly and vulnerable. Neighbours are important because good relationships with others can and does change communities. So bring a friend or a neighbour and please also bring a plate or drink to share, if you can!
A shared space in which people gather to strengthen community and grow food.
Outdoor, nature based playgroup for children aged 0 - 5 years and their parents/carers.