Kids bike riding fun | Seventeen Mile Rocks

Rocks Riverside Park 5 Counihan Rd, Seventeen Mile Rocks, Qld, Australia

Come and discover what fun can be had on a bike. We will ride around a short course featuring terrain such as pavement, grass, hills and conquer obstacles that may require the riders to dismount and carry their bikes around, over or through! Any type of bike is welcome. FREE! Suitable for ages 10-17.  

Fitness, Fun & Games | Seventeen Mile Rocks

Rocks Riverside Park 5 Counihan Rd, Seventeen Mile Rocks, Qld, Australia

A fun, interactive session that teaches children and teenagers how to keep fit by developing lifelong behaviour. Participants get to do basic fitness exercises, for example, squats, lunges and push-ups while learning about the different muscles they're exercising. FREE! Suitable for ages 10-17.