UPDATE 22 November 2021
I was notified late on Friday night that Brisbane City Council is undertaking consultation on the Walter Taylor Bridge Duplication Pre-feasibility Study in December.
Obviously that’s a busy time of year and not ideal, but it is important residents speak up and have their say.
Thursday, 2 December 5pm – 7pm L1, Indooroopilly Shopping Town (opp essential beauty)
Saturday, 4 December 9am – 11am Gordon Thomson Park, Chelmer
It is really important that Council hears whether you are in favour of or opposed to a new bridge. In planning future traffic upgrades, it is critical that the solution is not worse than the problem. Please think carefully about what a new bridge would mean for the district and whether there are any alternatives like better public transport, including City Cats to UQ.
Council’s feasibility study clearly indicates that a new bridge will attract more traffic to the local area. There’s no such thing as “a local traffic” only bridge, and if it’s easier to get over the Walter Taylor Bridge how do you stop more through traffic, including trucks? To date there is no traffic modelling showing how many extra cars or trucks would use Honour Ave or Oxley Rd each day and the development and growth in the southern and south-western suburbs is huge.
The route of any duplication is also a big issue. Why here? The Pre-feasibility study does not include a right turn lane to access the school and university precinct, but funnels traffic back into Coonan St which is already dysfunctional. A new bridge might sound great, but if it only leads back into to Coonan St what’s the point?
Please review the documents below (including the Pre-feasibility scoping study) ask questions, and speak up. This link will take you to the Council website for an overview and a link to an online survey.
This year Brisbane City Council is undertaking a Pre-feasibility Study into duplication of the Walter Taylor Bridge.
The Lord Mayor announced the Study during a media interview in March 2021. There has been no consultation with me or our local community to date.
The Study is currently considering:
- creating a freight route through Sherwood, Graceville, Chelmer and Indooroopilly (p4);
- demolishing the Jack Pesch Bridge (p7); and
- feeding all traffic back into Coonan St over Indooroopilly Rail Station at Westminster St (p7).
I am deeply concerned about the direction the Lord Mayor is taking the project. I have written to him outlining these concerns, and you can read that letter here.
You can read the response I received from the Lord Mayor here.
I have also written to residents of the Oxley Rd corridor suburbs regarding the project. You can read that letter here.
Read the Walter Taylor Bridge Pre-feasibility Scoping Study and supporting documents:
Pre-feasibility Study Scoping Document
Indooroopilly Bridge Duplication Geotechnical Investigation
Chelmer to Indooroopilly River Crossing Strategic Modelling
Second crossing planned to ease congestion on Oxley Rd |7News
Witton Army Barracks / Walter Taylor Bridge Duplication Submission – July 2017
Read my submission about the Witton Army Barracks and Duplication of the Walter Taylor Bridge.
Read the extract of my speech to Council regarding Duplication of the Walter Taylor Bridge.
Oxley Road Upgrade – 2011
As part of Council’s long term infrastructure plan released in early 2011, Council announced an upgrade of Oxley Road to four lanes. No details are yet available about the plans for the road upgrade; however I have done an RTI to obtain as much information as possible about Council’s plans. Many of these documents are heavily redacted and I am seeking advice form the information commissioner about getting this information released. The documents are attached below for your consideration.
South West Corridor Plan – Draft Report (Too large to upload. Copies available from my office)
RTI Release_120306 Oxley Rd Corridor Study Proposal
RTI Release_WRAP UP – Appendix 3 WebCrash
RTI Release_SW Corridor Study Project Management Plan
RTI Release_SW Corridor Study Issues Register as at 7 June 2012